How it all began

Do The Thing was created after a fun and relaxed chat around the table in the office tea room in 2023. I was speaking about my desire to stop drinking coffee which had become an addiction I wanted to curb. Others shared what their, "Do The Thing" was and hence Do The Thing (DTT)
was born. Its a fun way to change habits by sharing, supporting and being accountable to a team. Having a team and resources that support us in developing habits that lead us to having the life we want. DTT is a way to remind us of what our DTT is and keep us motivated to make change in our life.

How to Do The Thing ... 

Select a thing that you want to achieve for yourself, ideally its a daily thing - like achieving something each day or giving something up each day

Your thing might be give up coffee, drinking or processed sugar, walk 10000 steps for the day, meditate, have a present and connected interaction with your loved one, play with kids, walk the dog. It can be ANYTHING

Pick your thing - commit, write it down

Set up your calendar so you can mark off each day you Do the thing

Attend the weekly check in meetings so you can report and celebrate your success or report your failure and be supported and assisted in making adjustments to improve your accomplishment

Share and celebrate

Share your #dothething


Do The Thing merchandise

Inspire others. Tell everyone about Do The Thing

Rope all your work people, family and friends into Do The Thing

Do The Thing ... 

Make change For yourself

With others

Part of a team

Be motivated

Have fun

Enjoy support

Change your habits

Achieve your goals

Celebrate success

Fun Merch to keep you inspired

Free resources to support you Doing The Thing

Coming soon ...

The Modern Podcast


Most downloaded show of 2023. Auctor risus consectetur erat ornare ornare varius elit lorem. Sed mi gravida euismod in. Ipsum id posuere proin ornare. Neque nullam pellentesque nulla pretium dui facilisis sed risus. Pharetra porttitor varius aliquet accumsan.

Follow along: @Modern


Web design by Andrea Martell - Joy Scientist 2023